Evening Groups
The following groups are currently being held at the Centre and are provided by the facilitator(s) detailed below
Steiner Study Group (Monthly)
7.15pm - 8.45pm
Fee £10 per session
Reading and investigating the extensive works of Rudolph Steiner
With Julia Kubler
01206 - 396224
The LIFE-FORCE Centre hires out all the rooms to therapists & facilitators who can provide evidence of relevant qualifications, professional membership and insurance.
The Rainbow Room is a light space due to large period windows at either end of the room and is easily accessible being on the ground floor. There are also tea & coffee facilities at one end of the room. The room is suitable for training courses, meetings and groups, has a capacity for 12/18 people and is mostly available week days during the day, and in the evenings and also some weekends.
If you would like further information regarding room hire arrangements, or would like to visit the Centre to look around, please phone Alison or Sarah in the office to make an appointment to view the rooms.
The management regrets due to health and safety we have a no candle policy, no music policy and a smoke-free policy at the Centre.
3 East Hill, Colchester, Essex CO1 2QL
Telephone Number 01206 791661
Email info@lifeforce-centre.co.uk