LIFE-FORCE Counselling Service

Client Feedback Form

Private & Confidential

The Organisation would be grateful if you would complete this form at any time during or just after your therapy.

  • An important aspect of our administration is to monitor our Service User population and gain client feedback in order to offer the best service possible.
  • We are interested in your honest opinions, whether they are positive or negative, and therefore this is an anonymous procedure.
  • Please feel free to add any comments that you think maybe useful or to leave any section blank.

In addition to your recent counselling sessions at LIFE-FORCE, have you had counselling before?


Was the Client Information Leaflet, that was provided on the first session, helpful?


Was the website helpful?


Please indicate your ethnic origin


Please indicate your religion


Please indicate any special needs or physical learning disabilities


Please score the following points according to a scale of 5-1 where Excellent = 5, Good = 4, Average = 3, Fair = 2, Poor = 1 and make any comments or suggestions.

How did you find the general approach of the LIFE-FORCE office staff e.g. were they helpful and sensitive etc? How do you rate their overall professional approach?


After contacting LIFE-FORCE, how long did you wait for your first appointment? How do you rate this level of service?


How did you find the general approach of your counsellor e.g. warm, open, skilled? How do you rate their professional ability?


Upon reflection please rate to what extent you found the counselling to be beneficial, or not. Please comment accordingly.


How good did you find the Centre’s facilities, atmosphere, therapy rooms and the environment?


Rate how good overall you found the Service. Would you consider recommending the Service to others?


Do you have any further comments or suggestions?



The information provided is used for annual auditing requirements and to also improve the Counselling Service. Once the information has been added to our database and analysed then it is electronically deleted and not retained for any further length of time.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this Client Feedback Form.